Third International Conference “Iqbal as a Catalyst for the Renaissance of the Muslim Ummah” Bahria University Lahore Campus


International Conference on Iqbal by the titlted "Iqbal as a Catalyst for the Renaissance of the Muslim Ummah" held at Bahria University Lahore Campus on 28th November 2023. Dr. Abdul Rauf Rafiqui, Director Iqbal Academy and Rear Admiral (R) Naveed  Ahmed Rizvi, Ex- Director General Bahria University Islamabad Campus, joined the conference as Chief guest and Guest of Honor, respectively. Our distinguished panelists: Dr. Sabrina Lie, Director of Tawasul International Centre for Publishing Research and Dialogue, Rome Italy.  Dr. Najeeb Jamal, Professor Department of Urdu, F.C. College (University), Lahore, Dr Absar Ahmad, Honorary Director of Quran Academy Lahore. Col. Ashfaq Ahmed (R) Writer of Book on Surah Al Kahaf, Mr. Muhammad Ali, Khudi Awakener/Trainer at Mind Engineer shedding light on Iqbal's timeless wisdom.

Director Bahria University Lahore Campus, Commodore (R) Jawad Ahmad Qureshi SI (M), extended gratitude to all guests for their participation.

A comprehensive and insightful event on "Iqbal as a Catalyst for the Renaissance of the Muslim Ummah" inspired the new generation.